Cultivate your vital energy

I offer four customizable approaches :

Life Hygiene Program

To find a balanced and serene lifestyle, protected from stress and the ailments of daily life and work

Nutritional rebalancing

To implement a healthy diet (what, how, when) adapted to your needs and your disorders

Reflexology & Dien Chan

To support your vital energy and help your body repair itself and stay healthy

Ayurvedic massages

To live a unique sensory experience that relaxes the body and mind

Who am I ?

My name is Nicolas. I am a naturopathy practitioner, specialized in nutrition, plantar and facial reflexology (Dien Chan), Ayurvedic massages.

An agricultural engineer by training, my passion for living things pushed me to train for 5 years, and still today, in natural health techniques.

I help you fight against a large number of physical (digestive, nervous, musculoskeletal, hormonal, etc.) and emotional (stress, irritability, loss of energy, etc.) disorders.
